Nepal Earthquake Relief Donation


Aurora, Colorado – June 17, 2015 – United Shipping, Inc. is committed to support the continuing efforts to rebuild Nepal after two devastating earthquakes claimed more than 8,000 lives and destroyed countless homes in April, 2015. In support of the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund, United Shipping, Inc. made a donation of $5000.00 to the American Red Cross allocated to specifically aid in the restoration activities of the global community in the aftermath of the destruction.  United Shipping Inc. is an organization that reaches out to assist in times of need around the globe. The core value of building lasting relationship is a thread that runs throughout the group and characterizes the goals of the premiere network of independently owned freight forwarders and customs brokers association.  MSI Logistics, United Shipping, Inc. partner since 1994 has an office located in Kathmandu, Nepal. MSI Group is committed to help a small village in Sindhupalchowk to bounce back, rebuild homes and schools. The village was completely destroyed and MSI Group has been raising funds locally and also at their head office in Bangkok for this cause. United Shipping, Inc. supports its partners in their efforts to grow their businesses and also when disaster strikes. 

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Our mission is to provide additional growth opportunities for the membership by providing unique and distinguishing services, as well as additional opportunities for new business relationships.

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