Edwin Roos

Edwin Roos (45) is CEO and Owner of Vabix Logistics. Vabix is one of the founders of United Shipping and part of the ACH Group in The Netherlands. Vabix Logistics is a full logistics service provider that offers Freight forwarding (Air and Sea), Warehousing and Custom Brokerage. The ACH group has 30.000 m2 of Foodgrade, 6.000 m2 of Chemical and 6.000 m2 of General Cargo Warehouses in the Port of Rotterdam. Allround Cargo Handling (ACH group) was founded in 1992 by his father and during his high school and college years he worked in the warehouse and office. Edwin received his Bachelor in Economics and Logistics from Rotterdam Business School in the mid 90’s. At that time he started his career in IT. He started as EMEA account manager and through the years he developed to a Global Sales and Logistics Manager with a major trade firm.  In 2008 his father requested him to come back to the family business and in 2009 he bought the company.  Allround Cargo Handling is a full logistics service provider in Rotterdam specializing in food logistics. In 2017 he took over Vabix Logistics to be able to offer a wider range of service. Currently the whole group has over 100 employees. He is advisor to the Board with two manufacturers in the USA and advises trade associations in The Netherlands.



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